Monday, July 25, 2005

Our Last Sunday

Yesterday was our last Sunday attending the Lakeside 8th ward in Provo, UT. My parents, my in-laws, and my brother with his two kids attended sacrament meeting where Melissa and I spoke on Forgiveness and Repentance respectively. Then we went to Brother Cooks Sunday school and talked about the organization of the priesthood. The third hour of Church was by far my favorite hour of the day and perhaps my favorite hour of Church since moving in to this ward two+ years ago.

I have been the Teachers quorum advisor for two years this August and in a Mormon congregation that means I work with the 14-15 year old young men who are learning the ins and outs of being a lay priesthood holder. We study the gospel in depth by topic and on the weekdays we function as a varsity scout troop. The dual nature of the quorum brings us together in a variety of activities from hiking and biking expeditions, to service projects, to classroom discussions about the nature of God and Christian discipleship. I wouldn’t have asked for another calling in the Church. There is a power and vitality that comes from working with these incredible young men that is not available anywhere else. I was reminded of that this Sunday.

Instead of a typical lesson, we decided to have a group question and answer session about the Gospel, about life, about anything. At first I wasn’t sure if the four young men in the room would be interested, but I wasn’t disappointed. Each of them came up with relevant, interesting, thoughtful questions that were important to them in their stage of discipleship.

These are few samples of the questions they asked what is a date? How do you know when you’ve been forgiven, how do you answer questions using the scriptures, How should you respond to spiritual impressions, and How do you choose a spouse?

With Brother Joe Memmetts, Francisco Alverez, and me, we took turns answering questions, and allowed the boys to answer some of them themselves. I was impressed with their insightfulness and their genuine desire to know about the gospel. I don’t know if they’ll read this but I’d like to take a second a thank each of the boys I’ve worked with over the past two years.

Taylor: When I met you two years ago Taylor, I could tell right away that beneath the rough exterior was a strong leader and a man full of genuine concern for others. Never stop learning patience, keep up the hard work on the football field, and do what you told me you were going to do on Sunday: read the scriptures more. Thanks for being a friend.

Benson: I know that I always call you Baylen. Sorry. I have always appreciated your quiet kindness and your willingness to help. I know it’s not always easy, but you do a fantastic job of being kind to others and asking thoughtful questions. Never stop being thoughtful, never stop asking questions. I know you will do amazing things with your life. Your testimony will be your guide as you prepare to serve a mission in another two years.

Baylen: I am amazed at the adult you are becoming. Thank you for talking to me like a friend and for always offering to help. It’s hard as an adult leader to feel accepted, and you always made me feel like I was doing okay. I wish the best for you in Golf and what ever your life has in store for you. I think I’ll be around when you get your mission call, so I’ll look forward to that.

Sergio. I’ll never forget the morning you knocked on my door and asked for a ride to School. Thank you for feeling comfortable enough with me that you could call. I hope you always turn to your youth leaders and your family for help when you need it. Thanks for being a friend, and letting me talk with you. Good Luck with school, with Football, and with everything. Don’t spend too much time with the Ladies; there’ll be time for that after the mission. Take care.

Logan: Thanks for being the anchor of the quorum. Your presence at planning and presidency meetings, at camping trips, and church was inspiring. I can’t think of an activity that you could have been at that you weren’t. “Being there” is a large part of success. Keep it up and your example with rub off on others. Thanks.

Luke: No one else has stopped by my house to talk more than you. I know that life is not always easy and I know that it is sometimes difficult to do everything you’re supposed to do, but I thank you doing what you’ve done. Thanks for helping, thanks for mowing my lawn occasionally, and for walking my dog, and for being interested in my family. You will go far as long as you continue to show kindness to those around you and continue to work hard. Take care.

Sebastian: Well, you’ve been Missing In Action for the past two months, but I just wanted you to know that I have appreciated your interest and enthusiasm for activities. I’m sorry we never did the study night at mutual that you wanted to do. Don’t forget to bring that up to Brother Memmetts when school starts again. Take care of yourself, and make sure you help out your mother. She’s a busy woman with a lot on her hands. She needs her sons to be her anchor.

Colton: Colton I will always remember hearing your testimony in sacrament meeting. I can tell that you think about a lot of the same things I thought about when I was a teenager. You will do great because you have a real concern for others, and your heart is pure. You have great parents who love you and are doing a great job raising a future missionary. Thanks for being a friend. I will really miss you.

Jake: We only worked together for two months, but I was so glad to have you in the quorum. I don’t want you to get a big head, but there is a scarcity of people like you in the world. Your combination of stoic work ethic, serene presence, emotional stability and genuine interest in others will take you wherever you want to go. I hope you use your abilities to build the church wherever you are. Good luck in Soccer, good luck in school, and God bless you in everything.

You guys are all great. Please keep in touch. I want to here about your sports victories and losses, about your school work, about camping trips, about your first dates, about anything. I’ll see you all in a year.


Anonymous said...

Where in the world is Joey, Melissa and most important of all Callan, inquiring minds want to know???

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!. Mom got home just fine. After dropping you off at the aiport, I went back to the house, called Oscar, he came and put the shampoo machine in my car and accepted the keys and the garage door opener. Oscar was very impressed with how nice the house and yard was. The carpet was completely dry by the time he got there! I went back to Jason's and slept until 2 p.m.. Then Heidi and I went to the library and I checked out a book on cd, and took off. Got home at 11:30. Very nice trip. Very glad to be home. Told Dad I did not want to lift anything heavy for at least a monthj. I love you guys! Hope you get this.. I'm not sure how to complete the posting process