Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunday Weekly Update

It was the Joe show at Church this Sunday, and I am really glad it is not that way every week.  Melissa stayed home sick so I taught our primary class.  It was also our week for sharing time, so I did that too.  Then in sacrament meeting, in addition to translating the meeting, I sang in the choir and gave a talk on the blessings of Sabbath day observance.  Two of the single sisters in the branch sat with Callan during all of sacrament meeting which he liked very much, and he even made a get well card for Melissa during nursery.

After Church Callan and I went to Deron and Lori’s house to help them decipher their Japanese internet set up instructions, and made it home by three.   Callan fell asleep in the car so I carried him into his room and he slept until 4:45.  Then I woke him back up and we went back into town to pick up or friend Chugh, the ship inspector from India, who was coming with us to our Boss’ house for dinner.  About twenty people were there and we had Japanese curry and fried chicken, fruit salad, Indian curry, and a lot of dessert (all the Americans, including myself, brought desserts.  We had apple cobbler, ice cream, and two types of brownies).

Callan ate a bowl of curry, some orange slices, four strawberries, some ice cream, fruit salad, and half a cup of melon soda.  The other half ended up in my lap about mid way through dinner.  We excused ourselves at about seven and went back home to keep sick-o mom company.  She really is not doing very well.  

More than the physical ickiness she is experiencing (which is marked I assure you), the psychological impact of not being able to do anything except sit on a couch and hold a throw up bowl has been the most difficult. Tonight after putting Callan to bed, I called Brother Morimura who lives across the street and asked him to come over and help me give Melissa a priesthood blessing.  Tomorrow, if she is not feeling any better we are going to go to the Doctor’s office for some suggestions.  

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