Sunday, May 07, 2006

More family grave stones. The approximately 1sqare meter piece of property upon which these stones sit would cost tens of thousands of dollars to purchase, if you could find one to buy, and the owners must pay an annual upkeep fee. The bonus, you get to park for free when you come to kiyomizu shrine if you are coming to visit the family grave. That is exactly what we did. Nozomi Caruthers' family grave is here at Kiyomizu dera and we decided that buying some flowers and visiting the family grave was a good way to participate in a very japanese custom, and get good parking to see the rest of the shrine. Nozomi's family is not buddhist, but some of her relatives are and there is apparently some discussion about who should inherit the plot (It is usually inherited by the oldest son, but Nozomi's father has no sons). She and Brandon will for the rest of their lives walk the delicate line between their christianity, their Japanese heritage, their buddhist family line, and their familial expectations. If anyone can do it well they can. Brandon has just enough respect and interest in Japanese culture and Nozomi is well enough acclimated to American life for both of them to be able to role with the cultural currents that mingle, clash, and overlap in a cross cultural relationship. More than that though, I think having the common ground of religion to stand on, they automatically are able to clear some of the hurdles that exist for many mixed culture marriages. They are great friends and always have been so open to and interested in our family. We'll miss them when we go back to the states.

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