Sunday, May 07, 2006

We arrived in Umeda with two and a half hours to kill before we had to be on the bus back to Marugame, so we decided to walk a few blocks to the Osaka Umeda Sky Building. The problem is we went the long way and half way through we decided there was no way we were going to make it to the building alive so I hailed a taxi (something I have never done before) and asked the driver to take us to the huge building, which we could see in plain sight. He chuckled, but agreed and gave us three minute ride to the building for a total of 660 yen (well worth it in our opinion). Now we have officially taken a train, a bus, a tour bus, a ferry, a high speed boat, a taxi, a local tram, a trolly, a bullet train, and gandola since coming here.

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