Thursday, December 08, 2005

An update on our teacher situation…

As of yesterday there is officially a new couple coming to work at our school and they will arrive here in Japan on the 2nd of January.  Their names are Deron and Lori Watanabe and they have a two month old little girl.  Deron will work full time and Lori will work a few hours a week like Melissa does.  

In addition, for the time being though Melissa and I will have to continue to cover classes until we get here, I got our boss to change the schedule enough so that Callan doesn’t need to be watched on Thursday’s and Saturday’s which we are very glad for because having him watched that much was a major cause of most of our stress about the entire situation.

We certainly want to do what we can to help our boss while she is in a bind, but not at the expense of our family’s well being, and though Callan enjoyed going over to the Morimura’s to be babysat, we could tell that all the running around and trying to stick to a schedule was wearing him out (not to mention it’s effect on us).  Hopefully over the next few weeks we will be able to make permanent adjustments to both schedules so that life is easier for us and for the new teachers coming.  The schedule certainly has not up to this point been designed with teacher’s life in mind, and we are trying to change that.

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