Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Surviving the Schedule!

With the other teacher gone, Melissa and I have had to pick up her schedule and try to balance all of the classes at our school.  We have told our boss that we will help cover classes while she hires someone new, but we certainly can’t do it forever.  Just to give you an idea of how crazy things have been, today I went to work at 8:30, fifteen minutes after Melissa left with Callan to go to the bilingual kindergarten.   I returned home at 11:20 AM, and Melissa came home a few minutes after I did.  We ate lunch together and then Melissa put Callan down for a nap while I went next door to teach an hour long private lesson at 12:15pm.  I’m home now but have another lesson at 2:30 for an hour, and then when I’m done I’ll come home and take care of Callan while Melissa goes to the school in town and teaches from 4:20 to 6:05.  Then she will come home and take over with Callan so I can teach classes from 6:30 to 8:10 pm.  Then I’ll come home and we’ll put Callan to bed and try to have some semblance of a date (i.e. a movie, or games, or TV, or dessert, or something else we can do without leaving the house), and read some scriptures (Gotta finish the BOM by December 31st!) and hop into bed by 11pm so we can get up and do it all again tomorrow.)  

We have certainly re-solidified our desire to do whatever we can to allow Melissa to stay at home with Callan.  We know there isn’t a lot we can do about it now, because the other teacher left so suddenly, but working this much has been a good reminder to us about what we want in our regular schedule.  

For Callan’s part he has been a trooper.  He loves to go the kindergarten with us, and when he does have to be watched by our boss’ daughter-in-law he is always very excited to go.  He acts as a personal alarm clock for us every morning, regularly climbing into our bed at 6:45 AM and telling us that it is time to ‘get up,’ and ‘eat.’  He usually lies down with us for another twenty minutes to a half hour, which we appreciate, and then we get up, get ready, eat breakfast, and we’re out the door by 8:15 every morning.  We’ve appreciated our Boss doing all she can to change class times so that Callan doesn’t have to be watched by anyone.

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