Saturday, November 05, 2005


This week has been laid back compared to last week.  With Callan getting the chicken pox, Melissa fighting a sinus infection, and me dealing with allergies and a head cold, we have spent a lot of time doing nothing.  Our entire day off was spent at home, except for a brief trip to the park for some fresh air.  During Callan’s nap Melissa and I played a game of scrabble, but Callan woke up before we were finished.  He lasted sitting on my lap about three minutes before he decided the game was over and tipped the board.  

At night, after putting Callan to bed we tried to watch ‘That thing you do.’  The show was great except that we weren’t able to see the last five minutes because something went wrong with the television.  At that point we just decided to go to bed, which we did. And we stayed there until 6:30 AM when Callan came running into our room, hopped on our bed and asked for some apple.  For breakfast we had German pancakes, after which I taught two classes.  Callan is now asleep, Melissa is at the grocery store, and I am supposed to be working on lesson plans.  Some days you just do not feel like doing anything for work.  It has kind of been one of those weeks.  

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